Sunday, July 14, 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013....Pickleball Strategy....Pickleball Photo

Our Paso Robles Pickleball Club website:

A photo from today's Pickleball Play.  Was this point won or lost, because there is a lot of reaching going on?

Reaching usually results in lost rallies.  One of the most important points to remember is that you hit winner's with your FEET (and your paddle, of course).  By this, I mean you should always strive to make contact in your "comfort zone." That zone is 1 foot in front of your body and no more than 1 foot to either side.  To accomplish this, your footwork (extra steps/shuffles) needs to put you in position (the comfort zone) to push the ball back.  We will need to reach on occasion, but don't be lazy. Watch the feet of good players.  Those feet are always moving to get themselves into a good hitting position.  Same with a good infielder in baseball.  They are always striving to field the ball in their "comfort zone."


1.  Play low.  Knees bent enough so that you are ready to react.  A flexed muscle is faster.
2.  Feet wider than shoulders.
3.  Paddle in the ready (backhand) position.
4.  Face the opponent whom you anticipate will hit the next shot.
5.  Make your feet keep you in your COMFORT ZONE.

More pointers, strategies, rules in the next post........

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